Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fandom Mother's Day!

Hi again! Yep, today you get two posts! This post is about Mother’s day, since that’s coming up in a few days. Mothers are fangirls too you know, though they’ve outgrown that title and are probably fanwomen/ladies/queens. Yeah, I like that term, fanqueen. So, if your mom is a fanqueen, consider maybe getting her a fandom related present, or giving her a fandom related card. You can let your imagination run wild with fandom related cards, but here are a few ideas:

For fandom related presents there are many amazing ideas. It all depends on what your mother likes. If she likes jewelry, then maybe some fandom related jewelry.

There are also so many other things out there, only you can tell what will fit your mother the best. Maybe she’d like the extended edition of her favorite movie, or the special edition of her favorite book, maybe she’d like a map of her favorite fandom world, or other fandom merchandise. 

Another nice thing to do on Mother’s Day is to serve them breakfast in bed. This can also have a fandom twist to it if you plan carefully. For a percy jackson fanqueen, you could serve her a blue breakfast. For a Lord of the Rings fanqueen, maybe she’d also like a second breakfast. There are also many sites out on the interwebs that are dedicated to fandom recipes. A quick search should help you find recipes from your mom’s favorite fandom and you can serve them. A few of my favorite fandom recipe sites are listed below:

Anyway, Happy Mother's Day!

Roleplay Day

Hey Fandoms! Today is Roleplay Day! This isn’t directly a fandom holiday, but I personally have a few fandom role play characters, so I think it counts. Anyway, enjoy your day!

Monday, May 4, 2015

May the Forth be with You!

Happy Star Wars Day! 

A great way to celebrate this fantastic day is to watch star wars and eat star wars themed treats such as lightsaber dogs (basically pigs in a blanket with the roll only on one end), Obiwan-kabobies (fruit Kabobs), Ewoks (Teddy Grahams), "Chewie" wookie cookies, yoda soda (soda that is green/has a green can), and Vader-ade (red Gatorade).

Also, remember that tomorrow is Revenge of the 5th.

May the Forth be with you!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts

17 years ago today, was the battle of Hogwarts.

The Harry Potter Fandom lost a lot of amazing lives that day, here's a short tribute to them: