Friday, March 25, 2016

Tolkien Reading Day

March 25th is the day Sauron was defeated and it marks the fall of Barad-dur. Oh, and it's also Tolkien Reading day. On this day, enjoy curling up and reading your favorite Tolkien book!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

House Pride Day

Over the next few days will be house pride day for the different Hogwarts houses.

On your house pride day be sure to wear the colors of and embrace the values of your house!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Narnia Birthday Party

Hello Fandoms! I love Birthdays and Birthdays Parties because they're the perfect opportunity to add some more fandom to life. In the past I've planned Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Percy Jackson Parties. A few weeks ago I added a new fandom to that list. . . Narnia!
The Narnia fandom is one of my favorites, but it doesn't get as much attention on this blog as I'd like it to, but today that will change a bit.

So Narnia party... there are several books in the Chronicles of Narnia and the party will be fairly different depending on which you want to focus on. I chose The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.


For a good part of the book, Narnia is frozen in an enchanted winter, so the decorations I used were mostly themed on that.

White streamers, snowflakes taped in appropriate locations, and I also taped white shimmery curling ribbon up with the streamers (that's the white curly stuff hanging down between the streamers in the pic). White sheets can be used to cover any random furniture to make it look more snowy and I was unable to do this, but putting up an unadorned christmas tree (or several) can contribute to the foresty-Narina mood. 

Another decoration idea is to set up a tension rod in the doorframe which leads to your wintery wonderland and hang coats on it.

This creates the illusion that your guests are going through the wardrobe to get to Narnia. This idea was a lot of fun to use.


For the cake I continued to go along with the winter theme. I made a vanilla cake, frosted it white, then used blue frosting to pipe a snowflake design onto it. It was a fairly simple snowflake, but I was happy with the result (I took a picture, but for some reason I can't get it off my phone, Sorry).

The Party:

For the actual party, we watched the movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, pausing it every now and then for party events. The first time we paused was at Mr. Tumnus's tea party. We then went to the table and that's when the cake was served. Along with the cake we had hot chocolate, toast, strawberries, and sardines on crackers. Why sardines? Cause that food is specifically mentioned to be at the tea party and as a bit of a joke. I think I was the only one to eat them.

After that we went back to the movie and continued watching. At one point I handed out snowflake bags full of candies. I would have preferred to hand out Turkish Delight at the part where Edmund meets the White Witch, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so regular candy had to do.

The next pausing point would have been when they meet Father Christmas. At this point, someone dressed as Father Christmas would have come out and handed out toy weapons to everyone. Unfortunately we had to cut this idea for time.

The next pausing point is when the children are practicing for war. We had a toy bow and arrow and everyone got turns aiming it at a small target on the wall. This part got a little crazy, but was still fun.

The last and final pausing point is when the children are being crowned. Everyone kneels and is crowned, while also being given a title. For the crowns, I bought cheap fake flower strings and taped them into crowns.

(My floppy crown)

After that, we watched the rest of the movie and the guests went home.

The party was a lot of fun, though I wasn't able to do everything I'd planned. Anyway, I hope you found this interesting. Happy Birthday to any birthday fangirls or fanboys out there reading this!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Happy Birthday Aragorn!

There's also another special birthday in the Fandom world today. It's the birthday of Aragorn, one of the few characters in the Tolkien Universe who has an exact birth date. Anyway, Happy Birthday Aragorn!

Happy Birthday Ron Weasley!

Today is March 1st, which means it's the birthday of Ron! Happy Birthday Ron!