Friday, November 7, 2014

Fandom Thanksgiving

So! Halloween has come and gone (I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!) and now there's another holiday on the horizon. Luckily Thanksgiving is an easy Holiday to incorporate fandoms into. All you need to do it make fandom themed foods! I'll be posting about foods from several different fandoms before Thanksgiving, but today, I'm just going to focus on three.

Harry Potter Fandom:

Yay Potterheads! Technically theses books took place in England, so it might feel weird associating some of these foods with thanksgiving, but it's all for the fandoms, so it's fine. There are plenty of Harry Potter foods that you can sneak on the table at Thanksgiving. Here are a few of them:

  • Pumpkin Pasties
  • Pumpkin juice
  • Butterbeer
  • Treacle Tart

There are many other recipes as well and they all can be found here, at

The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Fandom:

This fandom has a lot of food options! Even regular thanksgiving food can be added to this theme (Mashed Po-Tay-Toes anyone?). So, here are some Ideas:

  • Seed cake
  • Salad
  • Pork Pies
  • Pickles
  • Cheese
  • Mince Pies

In fact you could have a complete Unexpected Party themed Thanksgiving! Here is a website that has a menu and recipes for the Unexpected Party Food:

Percy Jackson Fandom:

This has got to be one of the easiest fandoms to make food for! All you need to do is add blue food coloring to pretty much anything! This works best with white foods such as mashed potatoes. You can also make a blue pie by adding blue food coloring to the crust and making blueberry pie. You could try to make blue pumpkin pie as well, but I’m not sure how well that will turn out.

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