Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Narnian Christmas!

Some people don't like winter. They say it's cold, dreary, and they just can't wait for summer again, but I think, in the words of Lucy Pevensie, . . . 

And She's absolutely right! I have wonderful memories of iceskating at least once each winter, and having major snowball fights with my family every time it snowed (which was only once a year in Tokyo, but still). Unfortunately, I'm currently in Hawaii, so no iceskating or snow, but I've still got Christmas! 

Christmas is my favorite time of year and to help me get into the Fandom Holiday spirit, I will be writing posts about different fandoms counting up to Christmas. Today is December first, so it's the first day I will be doing it. If you haven't guessed already, this post is themed on Narnia. I have a pretty long list of ideas for each day, but I still have one or two days for which I couldn't think of anything. If you have any ideas, feel free to comment and tell me. Now! Back to Narnia:

I hope you have a very merry Christmas! Next time it snows, put on your coat, step outside and think of the Pevensie children as you watch the snow come down.

And I just had to add this in. It’s only one fleeting part in the movie, but I love it every time.

I will also be adding recipes and other suggestions on how you can make your Christmas a little more fandom! Here is a website that has several narnia recipes that are great for December!

Here’s a recipe for Turkish Delight. I have never made turkish delight on my own, but I have tried it before and I can tell you, it’s amazing! Don’t eat too much though, they’re fairly sweet.

Okay! The last thing I'm going to add is a list of possible gift ideas if you have a friend/relative who likes Narnia:

1. You could get them an awesome new boxed set of the series! It's a little expensive, but if they're books are in tatters from age and use (like mine), I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

2. Perhaps if you have a young Narnian fan in the house, you could get them King Peter's helmet and dagger! 

3. But why just stop with his helmet and dagger? You could get King Peter's sword as well (or just the sword, and not the other things)!

4. This ones a little expensive, but worth it. It's a beautiful model of the Dawn Treader!

Well, that looks like all for now, I can't wait to post again tomorrow (the post's on Sherlock tomorrow). Till then, I hope you have a very Fandom Christmas!

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